DARE to be free.

Dare to be free from diabetes? Join me for our 20 week 1:1 4 steps to optimised health programme!


  1. Discovery - 90 minute consult. What are you concerned about? What are your health goals?

  2. Action - Provide a tailored made pre-test results nutritional and lifestyle plan

  3. Resolve - 40 minute consult. 4 month bespoke evidence based plan provided

  4. Empower - Giving you the tools and confidence to continue on your health journey towards and continuing optimum health

Let’s have a chat!


Your first session will be a 90 minute consultation including:

  • Personal - Zoom or face to face

  • Deep dive - Full medical history taken

  • Understanding - What concerns you about your health?

  • Direction - Working with you to define your health goals

  • Data - Discussing the best functional testing to proceed with (Additional cost applies)


This is where we begin!

This is where your journey starts! We will provide you a preliminary diet and lifestyle plan based on your personal history and circumstance and walk you through it. This will help you get your body and life in shape for when your results come back from testing where the real insight and your health transformation begins!


Digging deep to solve the puzzle that is you

Results are in? Fantastic!

Next steps

  • Digging deep into results - We will look into the specific results based on your specific DNA and physiological bio markers

  • Develop bespoke 4 month nutritional and lifestyle plan

  • Consultation - A private 40 minute run down of the results, their impact and what we will focus on as a priority and why

  • Supplementation & Herbs - Recommended supplements and herbs with where to buy them, how to use them and when to support your body transformation and healing

  • Goals - Agree and define some practical goals to aim for

  • Continuous evaluation - Keeping in touch with your questions answered on whats app and touching base every 2 weeks to track progress


Continuous coaching

for you to become your own expert 

Your education in understanding how your body works specifically is our priority so that once you leave our programme you feel empowered and inspired to be your own advocate for optimum health and others.

We are here to help you through and navigate the complexities of your health and overcome your challenges and achieve the results you really need


Package prices includes 4 month programme. Functional test costs not included in price. Payment plans available.

More confidence, full of energy and feeling years younger .

You are in control.

We can do this together!

Optimised Health.