Functional Medicine Testing

Testing ahead of your


Discover your physiology

Your health healing journey starts here. Embarking on your health healing journey with a data-driven approach to nutrition is the most effective and accurate way to achieve optimal health.

By mining your physiology for clues and utilising the right data, you can make informed decisions, personalise your treatments, and prioritise your efforts for the most significant impact by taking control of your health with purpose and precision!

Clients have discovered genetic conditions that have plagued their health all their lives, negatively trending biomarkers around blood sugars, propensities for stress and depression and much more. Once you know, you can do something about it. What will you discover about yourself today?

Request your tests below

Gut microbiome home test

Discover the key to feeling better with a simple gut health test. It analyses your microbiome to understand digestion, nutrient absorption, and inflammation. Boost your energy and improve overall well-being by treating your gut according to your own individual gut environment needs.


DNA profiling for nutrition

Unlock your genetic potential with cutting-edge genetic testing. Discover personalised insights into your health, fitness, and nutrition based on your unique DNA. Take control of your well-being with a deeper understanding of your genetic makeup and what best to prioritise.


Ultra blood test

This extensive test provides a deep analysis of your body's functions, including hormones, vitamins, and metabolic markers. Understand your health like never before and take steps towards optimal well-being


Food intolerances

Identify your food intolerances with our IgG food intolerance test. Discover which foods might be causing discomfort, bloating, and fatigue. Take control of your diet and improve your well-being


Happy hormones and more

Unlock your health potential with the DUTCH test. Whether you're male or female, this comprehensive test gives you a clear picture of your hormone and adrenal health. Understand your body's needs to enhance energy, mood, and overall well-being.



Discover the power of personalised health with metabolomics test. This advanced test analyses your metabolic pathways to reveal insights into your nutrition, energy production, and overall health. Gain a deeper understanding of your body's unique metabolic needs and fat burning.


Clinical reports confusing?

Feeling overwhelmed with the plethora of information, biomarkers and health metrics? Don’t worry, we have got you covered! We will dig into the detail and demystify the blurb and provide you with a map for the nexts steps. Our expertise will allow us to help you prioritise one warning over another providing clarity, confidence and peace of mind empowering you with the knowledge to succeed on your path to optimal health.

Testing insights
